Why Porn Is Full Of Lies

In porn, everything—from the way people look, to the way they have sex—is a fantasy. Porn consumers often become so obsessed chasing the fantasy that they miss out on actual love and relationships. Back in the 1950s, two researchers named Tinbergen and Magnus played a...

Why Porn Leaves Consumers Lonely

Porn promises immediate satisfaction, endless excitement, and easy intimacy, but in the end, it robs the consumer of all three. The more pornography an individual consumes, the more he or she tends to withdraw emotionally from real people and rely on porn. Eventually,...

How Porn Kills Love

Sure, porn is fake, but what’s wrong with a little harmless fantasy? The problem is, porn isn’t harmless at all. Studies show that viewing porn makes a user more critical of his partner and less satisfied with his relationship and his sex life. Real love requires real...

How Porn Hurts A Consumer’s Partner

Partners of porn consumers often report feeling angry, confused, and betrayed when they find out that the other half of their committed relationship has been watching porn. Consumers may have no idea how they are hurting their own relationships and the people they...